Wednesday, February 3, 2010

An Act of Faith

In the Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, the Albatross was of great importance. It was symbolic because it was there to help. When the Marinere killed the Albatross, it left a scar that would never be erased. The bird brought hope to those on the ship and showed that everything in life has its purpose. The bird was there for guidance, it knew how to get through the treacherous storms of Antarctica. However, when the Marinere killed the bird everything around him seemed to change. The crewmembers knew that the bird was sent as an act of faith to remind them not to give up. Only the Marinere was blindsided. Faith played a major role in that everyone has it in them to see things through; it all depends on how we act upon it. The change in weather was a sign from nature that what he did was wrong and one should not do onto another what he does not want done to them. This relates much to what we see in society today. As children, we are taught to help others and not harm one another. When there is harm, consequences follow. In the poem, those on the ship lost their lives because of the Marinere’s actions. We see this constantly on the news when one decides to take someone’s life and retaliation occurs. Yes, we are all born into a cycle of life and death, but should it be with one killing another? This picture symbolizes the connection between nature and humans, we all breathe the same air, we are all a form of life. Sometime’s in life it takes something life changing to realize what was once there.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica -

    You raise some good points about the significance of the albatross in the poem. You still need to focus your post on making a specific point about that significance, perhaps discussing a particular line or phrase.
