Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Living in "Harmony

“The Nightingale: A Conversation Poem”

“And one low piping sound more sweet than all-
Stirring the air with such an harmony,
That should you close your eyes, you might almost
Forget it was not day!”

A constant vivid image used is a Nightingale to provide the readers with many perspectives. The line written above is from the poem and the word “harmony” is what caught my attention. A nightingale is a type of bird with a beautiful poetic sound. When thinking of the word harmony , I think of peacefulness. However, there are other definitions, such as an agreement, orderly, involving music including tones, melody, and rhythm, as well as the science of the structure.

Throughout poem, there are many conversations going on with both humans and nature. Harmony plays a role in that there is a connection between what the human eye can see and hear. The Nightingale is singing, while Coleridge is speaking to his son of what he is observing around him. There is a soothing pleasure incorporated with natural sounds. When humans interact with one another, there is a connection. This is also true for that of the bird. The bird, inspired by its surroundings, is what allows it to play and get in touch with nature. The moon played a major role because it helped the Nightingale blossom. Discover news said, “A new study has determined that at least one bird's level of activity dramatically increases with moonlight .” Just like humans and conversation, the moon and the Nightingale are in harmony with each other. There is a drive that connects us in harmony and for everyone it is different. As I read the quote from the poem, I realize that when one hears of something peaceful to the ear, we tend to diminish what is going on around us and focus on what makes us happy.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica -

    Thinking about the ideas of harmony and music in the poem is a good place to focus. Your argument,however, often seems disjointed and I'm not clear on the main point you're making about that harmony.
