Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dweller in Human Nature

To listen and a dweller is the Definition of Simon Lee.
The lyrical ballad Simon Lee The Old Huntsman with an Incident in Which He Was Concerned depicts the life of an old man who is an inspirational. Compassion was his identity and even tho he aged, his heart stayed young. Lee is changing as life is passing. He is getting old, thin and sick yet keeps going.His ability to seek out what life has to offer has stayed with him. I say the term "seek" because ironically he is not the one looking, rather others are and he is able to share a part of him with them. We can see that his wife as well as his surroundings are helping him in life as he is listening. He is sharing and living his life, showing his pride.

In the ballad Wordsworth states,

"You're overtasked, good Simon Lee,
Give me your tool," to him I said;
And at the word right gladly he
Received my proffered aid.
I struck, and with a single blow
The tangled root I severed,
At which the poor old Man so long
And vainly had endeavoured.

This shows that Simon Lee was the "rock" for others, he was an inspiration to life. Old age was not an obstacle he had to overcome, rather, he accepted life for what it was. He shared his compassion with others and in return others began to listen. Survival is the key in life and change is irresistible. These lines from the ballad showed that if you have a talent, share it with others, you will never know who can take from it and live their life because they were given a chance of hope.

1 comment:

  1. I like your focus here on the inspiration Simon Lee provides. You might want to clarify: to whom exactly is Simon an inspiration? And what does the poem really tell us (in specific words) about his attitude? Sometimes it seems almost as if you're describing the speaker (who shares *his* "talent" or strength and "compassion" with Simon, not the other way around?) rather than Simon himself. Is Simon Lee inspirational just because he has survived? What other qualities can we discern in him?
